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Written by Simplesat
Updated over 5 months ago

A workspace in Simplesat is a dedicated environment for your company or organization that allows for better organization and separation of data between different companies or teams.

Each workspace contains its own unique set of data, including users, feedback, billing details, and various other elements specific to that organization. Users can belong to multiple workspaces, making it easy to switch between different organizations without logging out.

How workspaces work

  • When you create a new Simplesat account at, a new workspace is automatically created for you.

  • You can create additional workspaces using the same user account.

  • Admins from other workspaces can add you to their workspace, expanding your access.

Navigating workspaces

Switching between workspaces

To switch between workspaces, click on your profile menu and select Change workspace. This will take you to the Simplesat workspaces page (accessible directly at

On this page, you'll see a table listing all workspaces you belong to, including:

  • Workspace ID (also visible in the URL when accessing the workspace)

  • Workspace name

  • Last login date

To switch, simply click on the name of the workspace you want to access. To log out completely, use the Log out button on the workspaces page.

Leaving a workspace

If you need to leave a workspace:

  1. Go to the Simplesat workspaces page.

  2. Find the workspace you want to leave in the table.

  3. Click the kebab menu (three dots) next to the workspace name.

  4. Select Leave workspace.

Once you leave a workspace, you'll need an admin from that workspace to re-add you if you want to rejoin.

Creating new workspaces

To create a new workspace:

  1. Navigate to the Simplesat workspaces page.

  2. Click the Create workspace button.

  3. Enter a name for your new workspace.

  4. Click Create.

Workspaces and Single Sign-On (SSO)

Enterprise SSO, when enabled and enforced for your organization, impacts login behavior across all workspaces:

  • SSO login is required for all users in your account, regardless of which workspace they're accessing.

  • This applies even when accessing workspaces that don't have SSO configured.

Here's an example to illustrate:

  • You're a member of two workspaces: Rindge Inc. (with SSO enforced) and Murphy Technologies (without SSO).

  • When logging in to access Murphy Technologies, you'll still need to use SSO.

  • After SSO authentication, you can then access the Murphy Technologies workspace.

If multiple workspaces have SSO enforced, you'll use the SSO method of the first workspace that was set up with SSO.

Best practices for using workspaces

To make the most of Simplesat's workspaces:

  • Use separate workspaces for distinct organizations or large departments to keep data organized.

  • Regularly review your workspace memberships and leave any that you no longer need access to.

  • If you're an administrator, periodically audit your workspace's user list to ensure appropriate access.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I transfer data between workspaces?

Data cannot be directly transferred between workspaces to maintain data integrity and security. However, certain export and import features may be available for specific data types. Contact Simplesat support for assistance with data migration needs.

How many workspaces can I be a part of?

There is no set limit to the number of workspaces you can join. You can be a member of as many workspaces as needed.

Can I use the same email address for multiple workspaces?

Yes, you can use the same email address to access multiple workspaces. This is one of the key features that allows easy switching between different organizations or teams.

What happens to my data if I leave a workspace?

When you leave a workspace, your personal access to that workspace's data is revoked. However, any data you contributed to the workspace remains intact and accessible to other members of that workspace.

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