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HaloPSA integrations
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Written by Simplesat
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Add a simplesat survey to HaloPSA

Simplesat allows you to create surveys that you can embed HaloPSA email templates.

Authenticating with HaloPSA

You'll need to authenticate your HaloPSA account before installing any integration. Don't worry, you only need to do this once. πŸ˜‰

Start off by going to your HaloPSA environment, then go to configuration > HaloPSA API.

Click on view applications and create a new application.

Use the following settings for the application:

Name: Simplesat

Authentication method: Client ID and Secret (Services)

Login type: Agent

Agent to log in as: The user you want to authenticate as

Permissions: All

Copy the client ID and client secret, then click save.

At URL type in your HaloPSA URL. For example

You need to include the https:// in front of, and the / at the back of the URL!

At client ID and client secret fill in the ID and secret which you've just created and click authenticate.

You're now authenticated with HaloPSA! πŸŽ‰

Add private note to ticket

Simplesat can display feedback in the related HaloPSA ticket as a private note.

Here's an example of what this looks like in HaloPSA:

Next, scroll down to add private note to ticket and click activate integration.

Add feedback to ticket custom fields

Simplesat can add feedback to a ticket's custom fields.

Here's an example of what this looks like in HaloPSA:

To set this up you'll first need to create custom fields in HaloPSA.

Start off by going to configuration > custom fields

Make sure that entity is set to ticket.

Next, create 3 custom fields:

  • field name: simplesatrating

  • field label: Simplesat rating

  • type of field: text

  • only show this field to agents: check

  • tab: select the tab where you want the field to be displayed

  • field name: simplesatsentiment

  • field label: Simplesat sentiment

  • type of field: text

  • only show this field to agents: check

  • tab: select the tab where you want the field to be displayed

  • field name: simplesatcomment

  • field label: Simplesat comment

  • type of field: text

  • only show this field to agents: check

  • tab: select the tab where you want the field to be displayed

Then go to configuration > ticket > ticket types and go to the type of ticket where you'd like the fields to be displayed.

Click edit and navigate to the field list tab. Then add the 3 fields you've just created.

When you're done click save.

Repeat this for every ticket type where you want the Simplesat feedback to be visible.

Scroll down to add feedback to ticket custom fields and click activate integration.

Add latest rating to a user's custom fields

Simplesat can add feedback to a user's custom fields.

Here's an example of what this looks like in HaloPSA:

To set this up you'll first need to create custom fields in HaloPSA.

Start off by going to configuration > custom fields

Make sure that entity is set to user.

Next, create 5 custom fields:

  • field name: latestcsat

  • field label: Latest Simplesat CSAT rating

  • type of field: text

  • only show this field to agents: check

  • tab: select the tab where you want the field to be displayed

  • field name: latestces

  • field label: Latest Simplesat CES rating

  • type of field: text

  • only show this field to agents: check

  • tab: select the tab where you want the field to be displayed

  • field name: latestnps

  • field label: Latest Simplesat NPS rating

  • type of field: text

  • only show this field to agents: check

  • tab: select the tab where you want the field to be displayed

  • field name: latestfivestar

  • field label: Latest Simplesat 5-star rating

  • type of field: text

  • only show this field to agents: check

  • tab: select the tab where you want the field to be displayed

  • field name: latestsentiment

  • field label: Latest Simplesat sentiment

  • type of field: text

  • only show this field to agents: check

  • tab: select the tab where you want the field to be displayed

Scroll down to add feedback to a user's custom fields and click activate integration.

Pull ticket details

Each time your contact provides a rating, Simplesat will associate the following information with the response.


Data collected


ID, Summary, Priority, SLA, Team, Category


ID, Name, Email, Company


ID, Name, Email

All information gathered through the API will override fields sent through URL parameters.

Authenticate, if you haven't done so already.

Then scroll down to pull ticket details and click activate integration.

Create follow-up ticket after receiving a low rating

Simplesat can create a follow-up ticket after receiving feedback with a negative or neutral sentiment.

Here's an example of what this looks like in HaloPSA:

The new ticket won't relate have a customer set so that they won't get a ticket created/ticket closed notification.

The original ticket will be set as the parent ticket.

Scroll down to create follow-up ticket after receiving a low rating and click activate integration.

Send survey on ticket closure

Simplesat can automatically send a survey by email to a ticket's contact when the related ticket has been set to closed.

To set this up you'll first need to have an event-based survey set up by going to direct email delivery > event-based

Configure your email, then go to the delivery tab, copy the endpoint and set the connected service to HaloPSA.

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to send survey on ticket closure and click activate integration.

Once the integration has been successfully activated, scroll down a bit to endpoint URL.
Paste the survey endpoint in the endpoint URL field and click save.

Sync users from HaloPSA to Simplesat

Simplesat can copy over your users from HaloPSA to Simplesat.

The first time this integration runs it will copy over all users.

Afterwards it will check once per day for new and updated users and copy those over.

Here's an example of what this looks like in Simplesat:

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to sync users from HaloPSA to Simplesat and click activate integration.

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