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Pipedrive integrations
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Written by Simplesat
Updated over a year ago

Authenticating with Pipedrive

Before activating any integrations you'll first need to authenticate Simplesat with Pipedrive.

Start off by going to the Pipedrive integration page.

Then click the authenticate button, this will redirect you to Pipedrive.

Next, log in with your Pipedrive credentials.

After logging in click allow and install to authenticate.

You're now authenticated with Pipedrive! πŸŽ‰

Pull related details from Pipedrive when feedback is received

This is a feedback-based integration which will trigger whenever new feedback is received.

This integration will pull in related details from the Person, Owner, and Organization objects in Pipedrive and store them within the ticket custom attributes on the feedback object in Simplesat.

This is an important difference compared to the contact sync integrations as it ensures the feedback data stays the same even if the customer data changes over time.

The following data will be collected:


Data collected


ID, Email, Name, Company, Label ID


ID, Email, Name

All information gathered through the API will override fields sent through URL parameters.

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to pull related details from Pipedrive when feedback is received and click activate integration.

Sync Pipedrive people to Simplesat

Once per day Simplesat will check for new or updated people in Pipedrive and sync those over to Simplesat.
To set this up, access the Pipedrive integration page by clicking here.

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to sync Pipedrive people to Simplesat and click activate integration.

Update contacts with rating details

Map Simplesat response details to any contact field in Pipedrive.

For example, you can make sure that contacts are always up to date with their latest CSAT or NPS score.

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to update contacts with rating details and click activate integration.

Once it's successfully activated, scroll down a little to field mapping and map the Simplesat response fields to the fields where you'd like to have them displayed in Pipedrive.

Add notes to rated contacts

Simplesat automatically updates contacts with a note after your customer provides a rating.

Here's an example of what this looks like in Pipedrive:

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to add notes to rated contacts and click activate integration.

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