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Salesforce integrations
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Written by Simplesat
Updated over 5 months ago

Simplesat's suite of Salesforce integrations give you the ability to create custom feedback objects and update contact and case custom fields to give your team full control and transparency over the customer satisfaction experience.

Adding surveys in Salesforce

Simplesat surveys can be added to Salesforce Classic and Salesforce Lightning Experience.


The integration uses OAuth to connect your Salesforce account with Simplesat. To initiate the process, click the Authenticate button on the integrations page.

This will launch a flow where you'll need to log in to your Salesforce account (if you aren't already) and then confirm the authorization.

Once successful, you should return back to the integration page in Simplesat with the authentication status changed to look like this:

If you have any issues authenticating, shoot us a message and we'll be happy to help troubleshoot.

Sync data to custom feedback object

Creating a new Simplesat Feedback object type allows you to associate responses with contacts and companies.

In order to use this integration, you must first create a new custom object type in Salesforce Classic or Lightning Experience.

When creating the custom object name it like this:


Simplesat Feedback

Object Name


After creating the custom object, you need to add these fields to the object:

Field Label

Field name

Data type

Additional settings

Simplesat Feedback



Length: 255

Response ID



βœ… External ID

Feedback ID



Survey ID



Survey Name



Length: 255

Answer Choice



Answer Choice Label



Length: 255

Answer Sentiment



Length: 255

CSAT Rating



NPS Rating



CES Rating



Followup Answer


Text Area (Long)

Length: 1000




Length: 255

Question Text



Length: 255

Ticket ID



Length: 255

Ticket Subject



Length: 255

Team Member ID



Length: 255

Team Member Name



Length: 255

Team Member Email



Length: 255

Team Member Role



Length: 255

Customer ID



Length: 255

Customer Name



Length: 255

Customer Email



Length: 255

Customer Company



Length: 255



Lookup Relationship

Lookup case



Lookup Relationship

Lookup contact

Case Owner


Lookup Relationship

Lookup user

If the case/contact/owner are being synced over from a different platform (so not Salesforce) then the lookup relationship will fail. In that case the field can be set to be a text field so that it will display the ID from the platform it's being synced from.
​Alternatively, you could contact support to remove these fields.

Once you have that ready, go back to the Salesforce integration page by clicking here.

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to Sync data to custom feedback object and click activate integration.

Mapping fields

Once the integration has been activated, scroll down a little more to the Field mapping section.

The fields listed should all have default mappings already, but there are circumstances where you will need to change the default mapping in order for the integration to work.

Fill in your salesforce namespace here (if there was one specified when the custom object was created)

The Case Contact and Owner fields by default are mapped like this:

Salesforce Field name

Simplesat value







But if your surveys are not sending out of Salesforce cases when closed and are not set to the Salesforce type then they likely would not be using Salesforce Object IDs which are required in order to map into those three lookup fields.
​If you will be using the Custom object integration with non-Salesforce surveys you must change these fields to not be mapped.

If you still want the id to cross over into the Salesforce custom object you can create additional custom fields in your custom object definition and the IDs can be mapped into those non-lookup fields instead. You can also create additional custom fields if there are other data that needs to be mapped like if you have a survey with more than the default 2 questions.

The Object name field is how the object will be named. We have a dynamic name based on the contact and sentiment of the feedback, but due to it's complexity it has issues with showing in the UI. Let us know if you would like to customize the custom object name away from it's default settings and we can assist you.

Your integration should now be set up! πŸŽ‰

Note: if you'd like to use different mappings, or if there are any issues then please contact Simplesat support and we'd be happy to set it up for you.

Update contact custom fields with feedback

Map Simplesat response details to any contact property in Salesforce.

For example, you can make sure that contacts are always up to date with their latest CSAT or NPS score.

Update case custom fields with feedback

Map Simplesat response details to any case field in Salesforce.

For example, you can update cases with the latest CSAT rating, sentiment, and follow-up comment.

Pull case details from Salesforce and sync to Simplesat

Each time your customer provides a rating, Simplesat will associate the following information with the response.


Data collected


Case Number, Subject, Priority, Type, Reason, Origin

Requester (Customer)

Name, Email, Company

All information gathered through the API will override fields sent through URL parameters.

Here's an example of how this will look in Simplesat:

Scroll down to pull case details from Salesforce and sync to Simplesat and click activate integration.

Display feedback in an internal case comment

Simplesat can display feedback directly in a case as an internal comment.
​Here's an example of how this will look in Simplesat:

Scroll down to display feedback in an internal case comment and click activate integration.

Create account and contact from Simplesat feedback

Simplesat can automatically create contacts (customers) and accounts (companies) in Salesforce.

With this integration active, every time when Simplesat receives new feedback it will check if the contact and account exist in Salesforce and create them if necessary.

  • If the contact already exists and has an account set, then this will do nothing.

  • If the contact already exists, but doesn't have an account set, then Simplesat will try to look up the account and add it to the existing contact.

  • If the contact already exists, doesn't have an account set, and the account doesn't exist yet in Salesforce, then Simplesat will create the account and associate it with the existing contact.

  • If the contact doesn't exist, but the account does exist, then Simplesat will create the contact and add this to the existing account.

  • If both don't exist, then Simplesat will create the account and contact, and add that contact to the newly created account.

Authenticate, if you haven't done so already. Then, scroll down to create account and contact from Simplesat feedback and click activate integration.

Note: A contact's last name is required in Salesforce, if Simplesat doesn't know the last name it will set it to LNU (last name unknown). Please contact Simplesat support if you'd like to have this configured differently.

Contact sync

Simplesat can sync new and edited users from Salesforce over to Simplesat

The following fields will be synced over:

  • Name

  • Email

  • Company

The first time this integration gets activated it'll sync over all users, afterwards this integration will run once per day and sync over the users that have been updated in the 24 hours prior to that.

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to contact sync and click activate integration.

Contact sync

Sync data from an instance of a report in Salesforce. Start by setting up your report within Salesforce. Once ready you can activate this integration and pull over the information directly from the report.

Please contact our support and integrations team for help with configuring as currently there is no way to specify the report ID to pull from.

Create follow-up case after receiving feedback

Simplesat can create a follow-up case in Salesforce after a customer leaves feedback.

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to create follow-up case after receiving feedback and click activate integration.

Once the integration is successfully activated, you can choose which surveys or sentiments should trigger the creation of a follow-up case and modify the default settings accordingly.

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