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Geckoboard integrations

Integrating Simplesat surveys with Geckoboard. Authenticate with Geckoboard's API to enable deep integrations.

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Written by Simplesat
Updated over 4 months ago

The integrations below will allow you to send Simplesat survey data to Geckoboard.

Authenticating with Geckoboard

First look up your Geckoboard API key by logging into Geckoboard, clicking your initials in the top right corner and clicking account.

On the account details screen, scroll down and look for API key towards the bottom of the page.

Click the authenticate button and fill in your Geckoboard API key.

Geckoboard should now be authenticated in Simplesat.

Troubleshooting tips:

  • Our servers are located in Ireland. If you're having an issue connecting, you may need to add that country to your firewall's filter.

  • You may also need to whitelist Simplesat's IP addresses. You can find them here.

  • If you still can't authenticate, please send a message to the Simplesat team and we can troubleshoot together.

Sync feedback to Geckoboard dataset

Simplesat can append survey data to a geckoboard dataset.

To set this up in Simplesat, go to the geckoboard integrations page in simplesat.

Authenticate with Geckoboard if you haven't done so already, then under survey integrations > Sync feedback to Geckoboard Dataset click activate integration.

Send CSAT score for each survey to Geckoboard (polling)

Simplesat can send summarized CSAT data for each CSAT survey in your Simplesat account over to Geckoboard into the simplesat_csat dataset.

If the dataset does not already exist then it will be automatically created. To reset the data you can delete the dataset in Geckoboard in case of any issues.

To set this up in Simplesat, go to the geckoboard integrations page in simplesat.

Authenticate with Geckoboard if you haven't done so already, then under survey integrations > Send CSAT score for each survey to Geckoboard (polling) click activate integration.

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