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Freshdesk integrations
Simplesat avatar
Written by Simplesat
Updated over a year ago

Simplesat's suite of Freshdesk integrations give you the ability to update contacts with rating details, create follow-up tickets from feedback, and sync ticket details to give your team full control and transparency over the customer satisfaction experience.

In this article:

Adding surveys in Freshdesk

Simplesat surveys can be added to Freshdesk email notifications send from triggers or automations.


To authenticate you will need to copy and paste your API key. You can find the API key in your Profile settings. Choose the dropdown menu in the top right corner while you're logged in to Freshdesk.

Then copy the API key.

Add your Freshdesk URL and API key in the authentication popup. Your Freshdesk URL should be in this format: (no https:// or trailing slashes, please).

If you're unable to authenticate, make sure your credentials are correct. If that still doesn't work, please reach out to Simplesat support and we'll help you out.

Update contact fields with rating details

Map Simplesat response details to any contact field in Freshdesk.

For example, you can make sure that contacts are always up to date with their latest CSAT or NPS score.

Pull ticket details

Each time your customer provides a rating, Simplesat will associate the following information with the response.


Data collected



Requester (Customer)

Name, ID, Email, Company

Responder (Agent)

Name, ID, Email

All information gathered through the API will override fields sent through URL parameters.

Create follow-up tickets from feedback

Automated follow-up tickets make it easy for your team to quickly respond to customers and close the loop - all within your team's existing support workflows.

Add private notes to rated tickets

Automatically update tickets with a private note after your customer provides a rating.

Notes are associated with the user who authenticated Freshdesk with Simplesat.

Update ticket fields with rating details

Map Simplesat response details to any ticket field in Freshdesk.

For example, you can update tickets with the latest CSAT rating, sentiment, and follow-up comment.

Update ticket tags with rating and sentiment

Adds and updates tags with rating and sentiment values from the response.

Tags use the format simplesat_rating_RATING and simplesat_sentiment_SENTIMENT.

Automatically send survey on ticket closure

Simplesat can automatically send a survey by email to a ticket's contact when the related ticket has been set to closed.

To set this up you'll first need to have a survey set up as direct email delivery > event based

Configure your email, then go to the delivery tab and copy the endpoint.

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to automatically send survey on ticket closure and click activate integration.

Once the integration has been successfully activated, scroll down a bit to endpoint URL.
Paste the survey endpoint in the endpoint field and click save.

Note: Responses gathered through event based surveys currently don't trigger ticket integrations. Please contact Simplesat support to enable this for your event based survey.

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