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Email activity stats

View opens, clicks and detailed activity for one-off or ongoing surveys

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Written by Simplesat
Updated over 2 years ago

Simplesat released this new email activity feature on Oct, 16, 2020. Previous to this feature, Simplesat relied on on-demand stats from our email provider, SendGrid.

Now, Simplesat saves all email activity directly in our system. This gives us the opportunity to show richer data and stats from a longer time period.

Because the email activity page uses a different data source, stats are only available after the Oct 16 release date. If you need stats prior to this date or have any questions, please reach out to the Simplesat team and we'll be happy to help you out.

Access email activity

To view email activity, head over to any survey dashboard and click on the Email activity tab.

Filtering activity

You can filter by date range and event.

Events are the optional follow-up emails sent if you're using the automated email survey reminders feature.

Exporting activity

You can export all activity directly to CSV.

Main activity stats

The stats row shows you how many emails were sent and the actions recipients took during the time frame and filters you've set.

The actual activity count is shown below the percentages.




Opens are recorded if the recipient loads an invisible tracking image pixel in the email. The actual open count is usually higher than recorded, as some users view only email previews without downloading images.

Average: 10% to 30%


A click is any link clicked in the mail. Usually, these clicks will be a rating, but could also include links in the intro/outro message or footer.

Average: 2% to 8%


The recipient clicked the "Unsubscribe" link in the email. They'll be unable to receive future emails unless you manually resubscribe them.

Average: less than 1%

Reported spam

The recipient reported the email as spam directly in their email client. Recipients who report spam will automatically be added to a suppression list and not receive future emails.

Average: less than 0.1%


The email was rejected from your recipient's email server. This could be because of a "soft bounce" such as mailbox full, or temporarily unavailable, or a "hard bounce" where the email account doesn't exist anymore.

Simplesat will continue sending to recipients who have soft bounced. Hard bounces will enter a suppression list and not receive future emails.

Average: less than 1%

Activity stream

The activity stream lists all customers who have been sent an email, sorted by the latest sent.

The actions (sent, opened, etc.) show the time of the most recent action.

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