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Google Sheets integrations
Simplesat avatar
Written by Simplesat
Updated over 9 months ago

In this article:


To authenticate with Google sheets, access the integrations page by clicking here.

Click the authenticate and log in with your Google account.

Then allow access to your Google account.

Sync feedback to Google sheet

Simplesat can sync feedback to a Google sheet.

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to sync feedback to Google sheet and click activate integration.

Scroll down a bit to field mapping.

Fill in the spreadsheet ID and the sheet name.

The long part with random letters and numbers in your URL is the spreadsheet ID.

The sheet name is in the tab bar at the bottom of the page:

After filling these in, map the Simplesat feedback to the columns where you want them to be displayed.

Eventually it should look something like this:

When you're done mapping scroll down and click save.

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