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RedmineUP integrations
Simplesat avatar
Written by Simplesat
Updated over a year ago

Embed a survey into RedmineUP

Simplesat can automatically send a survey to a customer after closing a ticket.

Authenticating with RedmineUP

Click authenticate to authenticate.

Next, fill in your RedmineUP URL, username and password.

Your URL should be formatted like this:

Without https:// before or a / after the url.

Once that's all done, click authenticate.

You're now authenticated with RedmineUP! πŸŽ‰

Pull ticket details

Each time your customer provides a rating, Simplesat will associate the following information with the response.


Data collected


ID, Source


ID, Name, Email, Company

All information gathered through the API will override fields sent through URL parameters.

Here's an example of how this will look in Simplesat:

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to pull ticket details and click activate integration.

Create issue after receiving feedback

Simplesat can create a follow-up issue after receiving feedback.
​Here's an example of how this will look in RedmineUP:

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to create issue after receiving feedback and click activate integration.

After you've successfully activated the integration, scroll down a little to field mapping.

Here, fill in which project ID and tracker ID the new tickets should have.

You can find these values in your URL bar when listing your issues of a project in RedmineUP.

For example:

Here the project ID is customer-support and the tracker ID is 3

Sync feedback to ticket's vote

Simplesat can sync feedback back to the related ticket as a vote.

​Here's an example of how this will look in RedmineUP:

Authenticate if you haven't done so already, then scroll down to sync feedback to ticket's vote and click activate integration.

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